Thoughts from the booth

I’ve luckily never suffered from writers block, quite the opposite. I wish I could keep up with the amount of music I hear in my head. So today I’m redefining the phrase and making it more literal.  In a plumbing sense my pipes are blocked full of music and they’re all vying for the position […]


Feed the melody

Juggling writing for other projects with making my next solo record and living in a perpetual Christmas vibe. I’m either everywhere and never home or I’m here and I never leave. This crazy existence feeds the creativity    


5 years

Spent the past 24 fours setting up a few things for the 5th anniversary of the second LostAlone record. Got me to remembering the amazing Craig Aaronson who we lost a few years ago. One of the most enthusiastic and inspirational people I’ve ever met. After signing us we spent the next 18 months in […]