Excited to let you hear this song! Shipwrecked is streaming everywhere now

You can read the lyrics here

And here is a little bit about the song.

Shipwrecked came from a stream of consciousness and has remained unchanged, unedited  since the day I dumped those raw thoughts onto the page. Spilt out under the shadow of the single biggest event in my life and staring at an horizon which for the first time had no clear destination only waves of uncertainty where pride, anger, sadness, hope and a multitude of questions waged war for control of my mind.

I kept the first verse as unaccompanied words to stay true to the original way in which I wrote them… a confused cathartic scribble then built (I hope) the intensity by multi tracking myself (many times) to effect the chord change (It almost sounds the way I hear it in my head). A vocal dam holding out until the strings and finally the riffology crash down and all that emotional baggage fell out onto the crumbling bridge into the water.

This song was recorded at in the beautiful seclusion of Chapel studios in Lincolnshire. I had a strong feeling, almost an internal demand that a full band was needed for this track and so very appropriately due to the lyrical content I enlisted my former band mates Alan Williamson and Mark Gibson to actualise the rhythm section. This felt really special to be back in the studio with them again, a real treasured moment.

Some credits and details.
All music and lyrics written and performed by Steven Battelle
Produced by Steven Battelle & Dan Weller at Chapel studios
Studio assistant Luke Farnell
Super special guest musicians Alan Williamson and Mark Gibson
Harmony vocals recorded with Rich Collins at Snug Studio
Mastered by Dick Beetham
Photography Rob Baker Ashton