Arriving in Kansas by plane and seeing the expanse of yellow dusty fields was exactly as I’d imagined and instantly put me in a totally new mindset for the writing, recording ahead. Been here for four days now and the generosity of spirit and talent is actually quite mind blowing to me. Living in a […]
Read More...Author: Steven Battelle
New York City
Finished up a frantic and inspirational ten days recording my second record in Shokan just next to Woodstock, a really magical environment for making music and I know the spirit of the place is forever imbued within the songs. Spent the past five days exploring NYC. I’ve been here before with the band but very […]
Read More...The snow cometh
The snow came yesterday and didn’t stop falling for twenty four hours, its incredible to watch the wood outside turn turn from bark to a blanket of white. I couldn’t be happier with this turn of weather events, its turned an already magical location into a fairytale.
Read More...Making music in New York
Its day two in this beautiful environment in Shokan, New York where I’m making my second solo record. I’ve recorded a lot of the basic backing tracks already and so right now its all about absorbing the surroundings and allowing this place to permeate the songs. I’m out here wth Dan Weller who has now been […]
Read More...A studio start to the year
December and January are always my most prolific months, just something about the finality coupled with the birth of a year seems to produce a manic wave of writing within me. These past few weeks have seen the usual acceleration in the amount of songs I’ve written and recorded. On a daily basis I’ve been […]
Read More...Wishing you a fantastic 2018
Wishing you all a fantastic 2018. Thanks for listening, buying & generally supporting my music in 2017. Excited to bring you more in the year ahead 🎶❤️🎶
Read More...Life In The Stocks podcast + Montreux writing + Clear Water Paranoia
I was delighted to sit down with my friend Matt Stocks and do a long-form interview with him for his podcast Life In The Stocks. You can hear our conversation on here iTunes or acast We covered many subjects including my first ever real discussion about the end of LostAlone as well as more cheery stuff […]
Read More...Winter In My Soul Video is here!
Please enjoy this Christmas video for my Christmas song. You can also stream / download and get handwritten lyrics here
Read More...Winter In My Soul (Merry Christmas)
Welcome to December, when the nights last forever. Here’s a little sad Christmas song I wrote, streamable & downloadable here Winter In My Soul You can also get for a limited time handwritten lyrics to the song, right here HANDWRITTEN LYRICS
Read More...Exit Brain Left deluxe & Black Friday Sale
Please enjoy this 28 track deluxe expanded version of my debut! Streaming and downloadable here EXIT BRAIN LEFT In the spirit of the season of sales huge sales going on over on my shop until Christmas Vinyl £10 – CD £5 – T-Shirts £7 available here Back to writing my second full length! Steven