Nashville, its love at first write.

3.10.18, I know its the 4th but we have no internet at the house so I’m posting a day late from Starbucks.
Waking up on my third day here in Nashville and its definitely been a case of love at first vibe. This place is ALL about the music and being all about the music myself its a perfect marriage.
I had a crash course in Nashville on day one with my great friend Dan Weller (USA Dan – U.K Dan was still 38 thousand feet up at this point) taking me to Gibson who have kindly given us a couple of guitars to add to the arsenal (thanks Heather) and then over to Fender were I was lucky enough to try out a new 2019 guitar which is still in the late stages of development, I loved it!
I then had a meeting with Universal Publishing Nashville which was less like a meeting and more a meeting of musical minds, brilliant guys all about the music.

I’m living, writing and recording out of a beautiful house which back in the day would’ve been purchased out of a catalogue. It has a great vibe and I’ve a Gibson Humming bird and Les Paul Gold top in my bedroom, just for company.