Giants, Thrones and songwriting

Spent the yesterday travelling around various locations, dreaming up new music and generally being inspired. Just spent all night back in my studio set up here in Belfast demoing the songs I’d been imagining during the day. Giants Causeway BLEW MY MIND! Its an incredible place to visit. I also went to various Game Of […]


Always here or always not here

I’m either always here or never here, right now I’m always here but soon Ill be everywhere. LOVE my studio room in my very own house. It’s not really a studio like “professionals” would have – I’ve always been a writer rather than a studio engineer. However I have all I need now to realise […]



Back into mixing my second solo record, something so cool about mixing at home. I’ve been around the world and back with these songs and they  feel both more guitar driven yet more experimental than anything I’ve done before, even though I’ve not tried to experiment – if that makes sense. I guess its just […]


Battelle FM playlist on Apple Music

Joining my already established Spotify playlist I’ve now created a Battelle FM for Apple Music and its right here. BATTELLE FM APPLE MUSIC I’ll keep adding music I’m listening to, new music or rediscovered songs from the past hopefully you’ll find something you enjoy and maybe discover a back catalogue. Mixing starts on my new […]


A month in America

Hey everyone!  Really happy to announce that I’ve finished tracking my second solo record out in New York and will shortly be mixing back in the UK. As always with my music I’ve pushed myself further in search of new avenues to transport my melody from my brain into the world. This record is exactly […]