A Stormy Disposition

Neglected my own website for most of this year and I suppose with good reason. I’ve had my mind firmly focused on writing and creating a new record as well as juggling my day job of writing songs for other artists. The new record is 7 songs finished with a further 3/4 to go and […]


Inaugural thoughts

I personally found the inauguration very moving. I love America, my American experiences and my American friends. Yesterday felt like a huge collective intake of hope and even all these miles away here in lockdown London the impact was huge. Still many problems under the surface but after 4 years of the orange narcissist this […]


Isolation day 52

Hey everyone. Currently sat listening to Brian Eno’s Discreet Music and floating off into a relaxed hazy dream while typing so this may all end up with me falling on my keyboard and going fouhfkjahjkfhakjjahg and I’m back. For me today is day 52 in isolation, not been out once instead I’ve been in a […]